Upload Folder Including Other Folders Using Php

We've already learned to open and read various external files, only sometimes you take to straight-up upload files to server. PHP has useful built-in functions for that.

During the PHP file upload process, set up limits to what type of files are allowed in your lawmaking, and determine when files are as well big.

Everything your code holds might exist called $_FILES. This superglobal variable is an assortment that contains all the information on the files y'all upload.


  • ane. PHP File Upload: Main Tips
  • 2. Configuring php.ini
  • 3. Creating HTML Form
  • 4. Uploading Script
  • v. Checking If a File Already Exists
  • 6. Setting Up Limits
  • 6.i. File Size
  • 6.two. File Type
  • 7. Script of a Successful Upload Process
  • 8. PHP File Upload: Summary

PHP File Upload: Principal Tips

  • PHP file upload allows the user to upload text and binary files.
  • When you apply PHP, upload files procedure requires a permission.
  • To upload files in a specific way, you can set up limitations.
  • The associative array of all the files uploaded to the script is chosen PHP $_files.

Configuring php.ini

If we wish to make PHP upload files, we accept to take the permission. If we don't, nosotros should set PHP to let it. To achieve that, we edit the file called php.ini and change the value of file_uploads to On as the example shows:

Creating HTML Form

Afterwards we set the permission to initiate PHP file upload, nosotros can get to creating an HTML form for the uploading process:


                    <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <trunk>  <form action="upload.php" method="post"enctype="multipart/form-information">     Select the image yous want to upload:     <input type="file" proper name="file_to_upload"id="file_to_upload">     <input type="submit" value="image upload"proper name="submit"> </course>  </body> </html>                  

To upload PHP files using these forms finer, remember a few things:

  • When uploading files via HTML forms, we must use post method which we assign to the form element as an attribute.
  • We must also assign enctype="multipart/class-data" amidst its attributes. This allows the browser to place the encoding type in lodge to make PHP upload files correctly.

Annotation: the attribute type="file" of the <input> element displays the input field every bit a file-select control side by side to a Browse button.

Uploading Script

The code of file uploading procedure is held in the upload.php file:


                                          <?php                      $target_dir ="uploads/"; $target_file = $target_dir . basename($_FILES["file_to_upload"]["name"]); $upload_ok =1; $image_file_type = pathinfo($target_file,PATHINFO_EXTENSION);                      // checking if paradigm file is accessible                      if(isset($_POST["submit"])) {     $cheque = getimagesize($_FILES["file_to_upload"]["tmp_name"]);if($check !==                      false) {echo"The file you picked is an image - " . $cheque["mime"] .".";         $upload_ok =one;     }else {echo"The file you picked is not epitome.";         $upload_ok =0;     } }                      ?>                                      

Let's break the example down and brand certain nosotros sympathise every pace:

  • $target_dir = "uploads/" tells the server where to put the uploaded file. $_files PHP is the array that holds files uploaded to the code using Mail service method.
  • $target_file declares the path to the file you wish to upload.
  • $upload_ok=1 won't be used immediately. Information technology determines whether the upload was successful.
  • $image_file_type keeps the file extension.
  • Lastly, we must bank check if the file is valid.

Note: a new directory called uploads must be created in the path where the upload.php file is placed. The files that are uploaded volition be placed there.

Checking If a File Already Exists

In this footstep, we will add limitations to the form. First, cheque whether the file nosotros're uploading is not already in our uploads' directory. If it is, $upload_ok is set to 0:


                                          // checking whether the file is already nowadays                      if                      (file_exists($target_file)) {                      echo                      "File already present.";     $upload_ok =                      0; }                  



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Setting Up Limits

File Size

We declared a field called file_to_upload in our form. Now, we should check the file size. If the file size exceeds 500 kylobytes (which is the value we set up upward), an mistake is triggered. $upload_ok will and then exist set to 0:


                                          // Checking file size                      if                      ($_FILES["file_to_upload"]["size"] >                      500000) {                      echo                      "File also big.";     $upload_ok =                      0; }                  

File Blazon

Let's expect at the example below. You will notice it limits PHP file uploading to simply certain types of files. The ones that are allowed must take a JPG, JPEG, PNG, or GIF extension.

If the file does not friction match the specified types, an fault is caught and $upload_ok is set up to 0:


                                          // Limiting what file formats are allowed                      if($image_file_type !=                      "gif"                      && $image_file_type !=                      "jpg"                      && $image_file_type !=                      "jpeg"                      && $image_file_type !=                      "png") {                      echo                      "Only JPG, JPEG, PNG & GIF files are immune.";     $upload_ok =                      0; }                  

Script of a Successful Upload Process

This is how the final outcome of making PHP upload files looks:


                                          <?php                      $target_dir ="uploads/"; $target_file = $target_dir . basename($_FILES["file_to_upload"]["name"]); $uploadOk =i; $image_file_type = pathinfo($target_file,PATHINFO_EXTENSION);                      // Check if epitome file is a actual epitome or fake image                      if(isset($_POST["submit"])) {     $cheque = getimagesize($_FILES["file_to_upload"]["tmp_name"]);if($check !==                      imitation) {echo"The file yous picked is an image - " . $cheque["mime"] .".";         $upload_ok =1;     }else {echo"The file y'all picked is not an epitome.";         $upload_ok =0;     } }                      // Check if file already exists                      if (file_exists($target_file)) {repeat"File already present.";     $upload_ok =0; }                      // Check file size                      if ($_FILES["file_to_upload"]["size"] >500000) {echo"File as well big.";     $upload_ok =0; }                      // Limit allowed file formats                      if($image_file_type !="jpg" && $image_file_type !="png" && $image_file_type !="jpeg"                      && $image_file_type !="gif" ) {echo"Only JPG, JPEG, PNG & GIF files are allowed.";     $upload_ok =0; }                      // Bank check if $upload_ok is fix to 0 by an error                      if ($upload_ok ==0) {echo"Your file was not uploaded.";                      // If all the checks are passed, file is uploaded                      }else {if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file_to_upload"]["tmp_name"], $target_file)) {echo"The file ". basename( $_FILES["file_to_upload"]["name"])." was uploaded.";     }else {echo"A error has occured uploading.";     } }                      ?>                                      

PHP File Upload: Summary

  • You tin can upload text and binary files to your script.
  • If you wish to limit uploading files, yous tin prepare certain boundaries.
  • Files uploaded to your PHP code are contained in an associative array called PHP $_files.


Source: https://www.bitdegree.org/learn/php-file-upload

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