If I Upload My Gmail Account Again Are My Photos Restored?

A few days ago I posted well-nigh my disabled gmail account.

After a long, painful procedure, I was able to successfully recover the account.

Earlier yous read this blog post, let me tell you lot that one of the things I discovered was
Google's business relationship recovery process is 100% automatic! No humans involved at ANY level.
More on that beneath.

In getting my account back, I learned a LOT.

Hither are the things I learned about my account

  1. My account was disabled/deleted considering a hacker got into information technology.
    When I was finally able to recover it, during the "change your password process," I found this:

    The account was hacked and the hacker changed the account recovery email address
    So I at least know the account was hacked. The first matter the hacker did was change my password and the account recovery electronic mail addresses, and so it would be really hard for me to get my account back.

  2. The hacker likewise deleted my Youtube account and added 2 more than of his own to my account:


    I did manage to get my youtube account restored, simply he deleted all the videos out of it and I tin't recover those. Good thing I make TONS of backups of things.

  3. The hacker deleted all emails in my inbox (I had probably fifteen emails from 10 people in my inbox, 5 of which were to remind me to practise something).
    If you were expecting a answer from me recently…distressing…your email got deleted.
    Keep your inbox clean!
  4. I all the same don't know how he got into my account. I had a very potent password. I can only recollect of 3 scenarios:
    1. a brute forcefulness password assault (unlikely)
    2. I used the aforementioned countersign somewhere else and he hacked into another database that had that countersign (nearly probable). My own stupidity.
    3. I logged into my gmail account over an unencrypted connection on a public wifi network and he got my username/password (unlikely)

What I learned about Google's account recovery arrangement, and what it means to you lot!

I learned a couple awesome things nigh recovering a deleted google business relationship during this process…a couple things Google doesn't want you to know (or…things they don't tell you).

  1. If you're not prepared, forget it
    If you're non prepared to recover your gmail account and can answer the questions google asks, basically you can forget getting your account back. They ask obscure things nobody would ever know (not even you).
    Here are ii screenshots of the folio they make yous fill out. I took these so I could remember what I had put in. My personal info is blurred out.

    These are screenshots of the google account recovery pages
    how to recover a deleted google account
    difficult info google asks for to get your disabled account back

    To recover your account, here'southward my take on the difficulty:

    • frequently emailed people – easy
    • labels – slightly more than hard
    • invitation url – difficult depending on how you got it
    • all questions about orkut and blogger: if you answer yes they want to know the url of your contour and when you started using it – about impossible to detect
    • 4 services y'all use – Impossible, unless…y'all have a backup of your gmail account in a searchable location similar zoho mail.
      I was able to find these things by searching through my zoho for things like "calendar," "docs," "orkut," …
      It still took a LOT of work.
    • Business relationship creation engagement – Impossible without a backup
  2. Google'south account recovery system is 100% automated!
    No human volition ever fifty-fifty see your account recovery attempt.
    Don't try to put identifying info into the fields for a homo to await at. It will just hurt your run a risk of getting your account dorsum.
    You really just accept to figure out how to give enough accurate info to go the estimator to say "Yeah, this is over 80% correct, give the account dorsum" or whatsoever percent they have.
    The reason I know this is:
  3. How Google responds to your account recovery attempts
    Google says information technology may accept between 24-48 hours for them to answer to you.

    The beginning fourth dimension I submitted the business relationship recovery grade I got an reply dorsum in 44 hours.
    It was a NO.
    The second time I submitted the account recovery course information technology took 40 hours.
    Information technology was a NO.
    The tertiary time I submitted the account recovery form, it took ii minutes.
    It was a Aye!

    Now, I don't know this for sure, but here's what this tells me:

    • You submit your info to Google and a computer validates it against the data the computer knows virtually your account.
    • If the computer matches the info and it'due south correct plenty, it fires off an email immediately to you proverb "You tin can alter your password now!"
    • If the computer looks at your info and information technology's not correct plenty, it waits 24-48 hours before sending y'all an email saying "NO, yous're screwed for a while longer!"

    If it were humans looking at the requests, why does it take so long to say no, but only 2 minutes to say Yeah! (I literally got an e-mail from them inside two minutes of submitting the successful request).
    Information technology's done on purpose!
    Google doesn't want to give also many chances to people who don't accept the right info.
    If you go a NO dorsum from Google subsequently submitting the account recovery form, and you don't hear dorsum from them within 15 minutes, start gathering more data to recover your account.

This whole thing was a big, painful, learning procedure.

Things I've learned and things I'd exercise differently

  • Brand backups of everything – I already had pretty skilful backups. In the future I'll take rock solid backups.
  • Set for the worst early on – I was slightly prepared. Now I'll be better prepared.
  • Don't use a free gmail account – I've since bought a domain and gear up my electronic mail through google apps.
  • If yous desire to migrate your email and your docs to another account, I highly advise this email and data migration visitor, MigrationBox.com.
    Their docs migration needs a little work (only endeavor to move 100 docs at a time)
    but their email migration is solid. It moved 175,000 emails of mine no problem.
    I chatted with them for a while and they gave me a 40% off coupon for my readers:
    JOHNSYNC twoscore% Off Coupon
    What a lifesaver MigrationBox was for me. I at present become all my sometime emails in my new e-mail business relationship. Everything seamless.
    They're also proficient for:
    • moving between gmail/google apps
    • moving betwixt simply nearly any email service providers
    • syncing electronic mail accounts (ummmm…backup anyone?)
  • NEVER use the aforementioned password for your email, facebook, depository financial institution, annihilation else you care nigh – I now go on one "junk" countersign, and like 6 completely secure passwords that I don't use anywhere else.
  • This is a fleck extreme, but I'm now keeping an electronic mail account that I use to sign upwards for everything. I won't sign up for things with my real email address anymore. That way, my real electronic mail address isn't out in that location in besides many databases, and it doesn't accept any passwords associated with it in case I skid up somewhere.
    The other e-mail business relationship only forwards to my main ane so I even so get all the emails.
  • UPDATE: This post on lifehacker by adam pash details a new security feature google is JUST NOW rolling out (they're nigh a calendar week too late for me…although I'm now using information technology).
    Amazing…as I was going through this nightmare, I had wished google would have some sort of 2-step verification system.
    I as well wish lastpass had the aforementioned matter!

Maybe I'm a bit extreme.
Maybe non.
What I do know is that the internet isn't going anywhere, losing your email account ISN'T fun, and hackers aren't getting dumber.
Information technology'south getting more and more common. I'll effort to stay ahead of the game from now on.

Delight learn a lesson from my misfortunes and mistakes!


Source: https://johnjonas.com/how-to-successfully-recover-a-disabled-gmail-account/

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